Saturday, May 31, 2008


full rainbow. not everyday we could have the chance to see the full rainbow. dapan rose photo studio, we stopped our car, kan ambil gambar, but i went out to take this.

inside the car, inda puas ati, sebab hujan, jadi ambil saja dalam kerita. dari ceramin kerita. but i still inda puas hati sebab inda bawa my width angle lens, banarr.. masih inda puas hati. tapi im satisfied jualah pasal this rainbow so lawa. berabish~

Its All About Love

of all human emotions, the most basic,common, beautiful and controvesial one is - love. Our entire lives are dominated by this and everything else in life is measured by love. it looks as if we attain everything else in life but failed to attain and give love, we have failed. from the day a person is born to the day he dies, life seems to be great journey of giving and receiving love. The strength of the love that the lover has for the beloved is often measured by how much the lover willing to sacrifice for the beloved.

this ring is very important for me. this is from my beloved one. love oh love oh love. i wanted to show him these pictures but at this moment we're not doing so great. but i will show him soon or later (:

Friday, May 30, 2008

Love it

i went outside and saw the sky was damn lawaa. pinkish. lovely and calm. so i took the oppurtunity to capture some good pictures. and to show to u guys that i was right. yang that day was so lawaaa.

but it rained. and still duduk duduk di luar. i was fascinated with the rain drop, i tried my darnest to take the best and best photo but so payah. i want the rain drop to freeze lyke what i wanted it to be. nahh!! i made it at last. im so glad. i just wanted to show u guys how lovely that day would be for me. and im so loving it..

Global Warming Competition

here photo taken at Kampong Ayer Pedestrian on 25 june. these 4 pictures were been judge by Photographic Society. ive taken alots of pictures but they only needed 4 pictures and 2 of it will be selected for the futher level. based on the theme and creativity.

i won the competition at 4rd place. and been nominated as a top 5. the winner will be send to Singapore to compete against photographer for the ASEAN youth photographer programme.